Nice try, Jules. Happy trails, Adebisi.
Two moments defined tonight's episode of Lost:
- Juliet's video trying to persuade Jack to kill Ben in surgery. Mmmmm sorry, sweetheart, I'm not buying yer game. I'm convinced you're on Ben's team, and I have the relentless suspiciousness instilled by J.J. Abrams to thank for that.
- Eko's death. So much for relentless suspiciousness -- when you spend the whole episode thinking, "Okay, obviously he's the one who dies, sure, but it can't be that obvious, so it must be somebody else," and then the action telegraphs it more and more and then he dies, you reassess your whole Lost state of mind. I guess the producers have reached the point where they have to do something completely obvious to keep us on our toes.
I dislike those two new people. It's too late to join the club! I see it as a first step to keeping Lost going forever, soap opera style, and I don't like it. Plus, that guy's a pansy.
No, I don't think Juliet is on Ben's team. I think she's playing everyone, including Ben. When he confronted her about showing the x-rays to Jack, they were totally not on the same page. I think she's going to be the one with all the cards from here on out.
Yeah, I also think Juliet is playing both ends against the middle. I do like the new girl, but not the new guy (don't think he'll last). I understand the fear of "soap opera" replacement parts, but I like the idea of a new "smart girl" since Kate has been relegated to victim in the sexy outfit.
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