Rest in peace, Cory Lidle
I won't bother posting a link, because the story is everywhere. Cory Lidle used to pitch for the Phillies, and today his small plane crashed into a Manhattan apartment building and he died. It's so sad.
It's one of those tragedies where I'm affected very little emotionally -- I cheered and booed him once every five days for two years, but I wouldn't say I ever got to know much about him -- but I find myself canvassing the Internet to read more, more, more about why he flew, how well he flew, how this could have happened.
There's a big gap in time between when he was sitting in the Yankees locker room less than a week ago and when something went wrong with a plane he was flying, and it may be awhile before that gap is filled. Some of it may never be filled. But I keep trying to piece together friends' and teammates' comments anyway.
All that selfish investigation by me aside, I'm sorry he's dead. I'm sorry he was shunned as a scab by some players during his entire career. I hope his wife and son are taken care of as well as possible.
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