Sunday, October 08, 2006

Just wondering...

Who are all the people out there apparently demanding all this nonsense and attention paid to Terrell Owens?

Whose fixation can I blame for one non-story dominating all sports media?

What a worthless week of coverage. I could not give less of a shit about this Terrell Owens character. I swear I am going to watch the Eagles game with the sound off, I simply will not be able to stand listening to Joe Buck carry on about it.


At 9:06 AM, Blogger Holly Cummings said...

Yesterday when I told someone you were a reporter, they asked me if you were honest. I thought it was funny at first, but I guess it's a fair question, given the state of the media. Honest, ethical, fair, unbiased, intelligent enough to report only newsworthy items... you know... :)

At 9:32 AM, Blogger BookBabe said...

Who was it that said, "Give the people what they want"? Some people call it pandering to the lowest common denominator, others call it doing market research. I know that this morning on NPR, they always do this thing at the beginning of Weekend Edition, "And these are some of the voices in the news last week." Today there was one bit on the Amish shootings, one on two different Nobel Prize winners, one on North Korea's nuclear capabilites and FIVE on the Foley-Congressional page thing. 'Nuff said.


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