Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Quick thoughts on Lost premiere

  • Juliet is good. That's some nice work by Elizabeth Mitchell.
  • I think Sarah's pregnancy test from last season was actually positive, but she told Jack it was negative and left him because she wanted to raise the baby with a man who would put his work second.
  • "You're not my type." Are we supposed to deduce that Tom is gay? Because Evangeline Lilly is every straight man's type.
  • I think the producers have to be careful not to make the psychological experimenting too overbearing. Viewers will feel uncomfortable and drop out. Not me -- I'm a glutton for punishment -- but watching torture and mindgames can be emotionally draining, and people get enough of that in real life. Watch Donald Rumsfeld try to put together a ten-word sentence without some false spark of folksiness and I'm sure you'll agree.
  • What happened to whatever skinned the Oceanic skipper in the show's pilot? Did we forget that there were loud, deadly things on this island?
  • Not nearly enough commercials between segments. I think I forgot what show I was watching at one point. Solid profit margin, ABC.


At 6:26 AM, Blogger BookBabe said...

Well, the thing that looked like an earthquake while the folks were having book club (they seemed to be prepared, a la California) was, in retrospect, probably the magnetization thing-y.

At 6:00 PM, Blogger Holly Cummings said...

Then Tom whistled at Kate once she did have the dress on, so was that a pick-up whistle or is he now trying to throw you off the gay scent?

Or maybe he only likes nasty, leathery, island women?

At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think his type is "good" people. Or, the Otherly definition of good, anyway. I'm thinking that they really are driven by a very precise line between who is good and who is bad, according to some very strange standard.

And, hey, anyone else notice that her childhood sweetheart, the one she accidentally got killed, was also named Tom? Hmm...


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