Monday, January 01, 2007

Ohhhh seven

It's been months since any substantial update from this space. Not a whole lot to report. Chugging along at the newspaper while Holly does the same at school. Mojo and Moxie are a lot of fun, still with a lot of kittenish energy at the age of 11 months. Had a New Year's party last night that was by far the most people ever in our apartment at one time -- about 30 at its peak, I think; previous record was maybe nine.

A few things coming up this year:
  • My sister Paige, brother-in-law Brian and baby niece Lea are moving to the western tip of Virginia in February. It looks to be about a five-hour car trip from here, half the length of a trip home to PA, so I'm looking forward to some nice weekends there.
  • Weddings, weddings, weddings. We're signed up for five already, four of them requiring plane flights, in four states between March and September.
  • Holly takes a crucial test/series of tests sometime in late spring, for which she'll be hunkered down in study mode for six weeks or so.
  • Anticipating only two and a half more years in Louisville, we're probably not looking to buy a house anymore, but we'll be looking elsewhere downtown and in the Highlands neighborhood a few miles to the east to see if we can get a better bargain on rent.
  • I've managed to pack on 20 pounds (to 185) since the marathon eight months ago, and while I am not planning to run it again this year, my goal is to get into 5K/10K shape and join a basketball league or something similar at the YMCA.
  • Professionally, I'm applying this year to an exchange program in my newspaper chain. Each month, a reporter is chosen to be dropped into another city to write enterprise stories and experience a new beat. I think I'd enjoy that. Otherwise, I'll just be doing lots of digging and trying piss everyone off in a municipal election year. I expect this year to tell me a lot about for how long I'd like to be a reporter and what specialty I'd like to pursue.
  • I have high hopes for my Philadelphia Phillies, and I'll be maintaining Chyan Utlard on a regular basis for family, friends and even fans I don't know.


At 4:54 PM, Blogger BookBabe said...

Okay, it all sounds good. Now, about updating that Phillies blog...

At 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly-- five hours ain't nothing. You are welcome any time.


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