Sunday, January 29, 2006


Can't decide if I want to post any articles on here as my reporting career goes along. I think I'll stick with not doing that, unless they win awards or something.

I didn't see any episodes of Lost until Thanksgiving, when my parents and girlfriend and I watched almost all the first season on DVD, and I've given myself over to the cult of J.J. Abrams. But just so I don't feel too uncritical, here are the top 5 things I dislike most about Lost:

1) Too much "baby-in-peril" drama. It's not that I'm skittish, it just feels a little too manufactured sometimes. "Nobody in any real danger this week? Let's have Claire turn her back for a few extra seconds as you bite your fingernails. Oh, that's right, you'd bite them anyway, Mr. Disgusting Habit."
2) Kate's nostrils.
3) It could use a little more humor. I'm not saying promote a background character and make him Abbott to Hurley's Costello, I'm not saying more scenes with Hurley, but the drama wouldn't be quite so exhausting and it'd be a little more compelling if there was more balance.
4) Not nearly enough Sayid.
5) The fact that I can think of Gilligan's Island parallels for all of that show's main characters:
Thurston & Lovey Howell: Boone and Shannon, Jin and Sun
The Professor: Sayid/Locke
Gilligan: Hurley/Charlie
Skipper: Jack
Mary Ann: Kate
Ginger: also Shannon

Hurley as Gilligan and Sayid as the professor are as close to perfect as such comparisons come. Shannon works as Ginger and as Lovey Howell, and Boone's a good match as her disdainful lover Thurston. The others just remind me of those characters occasionally.


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