Saturday, February 18, 2006

The low on Saturday is gonna be 12

So yeah, I think I'll switch my 13-miler with my off-day, and go out there Sunday instead. Why risk reacting to unprecedented cold (unprecedented for me to run in) with an injury?

I'm a pretty bad blogger now, I realize. Sort of a binge blogger, on weekends. But writing every day for a living has taken some of the urgency out of blogging. However, I still intend to bring you the salient events of my life; I just can't promise to do it cleverly at all.

It's getting to be late February, and I'm giddy about fantasy baseball and the NCAA tournament. But I'm peeved that Sawyer is becoming cartoonishly evil on Lost. He'll have to grow his mustache a little bit so he can twirl it and chortle.

Here's what else I think about Lost: It's getting lazy. At the beginning, when everybody crashed and met each other (and when the show was new and unproven to viewers), J.J. Abrams was obligated to develop many characters in a short period of time.

But now they've met. And we've met them. And the show is a massive hit and will continue to be so. And I just feel that characters whose flashback it isn't that week are just saying their lines. I'm not feeling the conflict, I'm not feeling as compelled.

But of course, it's still very good. It's just not great, and it hasn't been, this year. That's inevitable; most shows lose steam. I just hope Abrams doesn't think his is immune to that phenomenon, and that he'll inject some more humor to offset the direness (other than Hurley saying "Dude" and patting his perm).


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