Friday, September 09, 2005

Cooking and the quest for a drawl

I'm bad at cooking. I can read recipes off boxes and wield a spatula, but I forget things. I'll turn off the oven instead of the timer, cover boiling things that are supposed to breathe, and just generally do things out of order. I probably wash my hands too often, but chicken is slimy.

Working at a newspaper at night, I never got into cooking. I microwaved everything, even Coke and Twizzlers. So I have some ground to make up.

My southern verbal tendencies aren't taking root yet. Maybe I should talk with other people. Maybe I should leave the apartment occasionally. Er, more occasionally. Hey, I found another bedsore! This one's shaped like Pennsylvania. Aww.


At 9:15 PM, Blogger Holly Cummings said...

bedsores are generally found in the sacral region of your back. the primary curvatures of your spine are the thoracic and sacral, while the cervical and lumbar are secondary curvatures. speaking of the lumbar region, the L1 nerve splits into two nerves as it crosses around anteriorly and pierces the internal abdominal oblique muscle, deep to the external abdominal oblique muscle: the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve, the latter of which travels through the superficial inguinal ring to innervate the testis. the cremaster's layer of muscle/fascia in the testis, on the other hand, is innervated by the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve. i wish i had anything more interesting to say than all of that. :(

but your chicken parm was quite good!

At 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it a surprise that the only two words I can recognize from Doc's comment here are "testes" and "genitals?"


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